Mobile, Ala. — In anticipation of large crowds during the final days of Mardi Gras, the City of Mobile is continuing to add parade and event parking options in the downtown area.
Effective Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, the City of Mobile will be activating the Alabama State Port Authority property at 60 Lipscomb Street. Lipscomb Street is accessible from N. Water Street as well as Magnolia Street via Beauregard Street. This additional parking lot will have the same hours of operation, parking rates and payment methods as the other Mardi Gras parking locations recently announced by the city.
An updated map identifying all of those locations is attached to this press release and available at cityofmobile.org. All these designated Mardi Gras parking areas will open for public parking two hours before the first parade of each day and will be staffed until 10 p.m. each night. However, all these locations will remain open after 10 p.m. so those attending Mardi Gras balls and other functions downtown can access their vehicles. Parking in any of these areas will have a flat fee of $20 for all-day parking. To encourage carpooling, an all-day rate of $10 is available to vehicles with three or more passengers.
Cash will not be accepted at these lots. Parking can be paid for using the Premium Parking app or debit and credit cards at the Premium Parking kiosk on site. Vehicles with three or more passengers will be given a one-time promo code for the $10 carpool discount at these locations. For parking questions on parade days, contact Premium Parking at (844) 236-2011.
You can always find the most up-to-date parking information at cityofmobile.org/mardi-gras/. To sign up for Mardi Gras Notifications on your smartphone, text MOBILEMARDIGRAS to 91896.